School Services of California Inc. (SSC) has the strongest legislative team in Sacramento due to our exceptional knowledge of the legislative process, combined with an in-depth understanding of K–14 statutes and regulations, the State Budget process, and cutting-edge policy issues. Our team acts quickly and effectively on behalf of clients, keeping them involved in and informed of all legislative decisions.
Whether helping to solve a client’s unique legislative problem or working with coalitions to impact major statewide education policy and fiscal matters, SSC advocates are regarded as key participants in the legislative process and reliable sources of factual information. This reputation, along with more than four decades of collective experience and a diverse network of contacts, enhances the SSC team’s ability to help clients meet their legislative objectives.
The SSC lineup is considered the premier team of PreK–14 Governmental Relations in Sacramento. Over the last four decades, there has been no other organization that has had such a lasting impact on education policy. The SSC team, which also consists of members of the organization’s consulting unit, has been at the forefront of almost all of the major school finance developments over the last 40+ years. SSC advocates have played a significant role in initiatives such as special education equalization, California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) member issues, categorical reform and flexibility, audit reform, school business official training, class-size flexibility, and mandate reform. Because of our long-standing reputation as knowledgeable representatives of K–12 education and community colleges, we serve as a trusted resource for legislators and legislative staff.
As term limits make an ever-increasing impact on the way business is done under the Capitol dome, the SSC team’s technical expertise and reputation for solid policy and budget analysis are increasingly valuable to the Legislature. In addition, SSC advocates have many contacts throughout the executive branch and in the California Department of Education (CDE), making their efforts on your behalf even more effective.
Coalitions Supported by SSC
- California School Funding Coalition—advocating for overall increased school funding
- Coalition for Adequate Funding for Special Education—advocating for increased special education funding
- CTE JPA Coalition—advocating for joint powers authority (JPA) providers of career technical education (CTE)
- Schools For Sound Finance—advocating on behalf of community funded school districts
- Education Mandated Cost Network—advocating mandate reform and prompt state reimbursements
Just a Few of the Successful Legislative Changes Led by SSC
- Special Education—Advocated for more adequate funding in the State Budget
- CalSTRS/CalPERS Relief—Advocated for the more than $3 billion in employer relief for CalSTRS and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) in the 2019–20 State Budget Act
- CTE—Protected funding for critical, high-quality pro- grams
- Audit Reform—Developed a process and structure for the school agency audit process
Areas of Expertise
- State Budget Development, Advocacy, and Enactment
- Legislative Policy Initiatives
- Adult Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Risk Management Issues
- Special Education
- Technology Funding
- K–14 Statutes and Regulations
- Local Control Funding Formula and School Finance Reform
- State Board of Education Policy Setting and Waivers
- School Facilities and the State Allocation Board
- State Controller’s Office Apportionments and Audits
- CDE Regulations and Audits
- Special Education Finance Reform
- Mandate Claims and Reimbursement
- Retirement Systems, Regulations, and Audits
For more information about how SSC can partner with your agency to meet a specific need, please contact us.