Declining Enrollment—Operational Strategies

Costs and times
SSC Clients: $175 per attendee
Non-clients: $350 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 11:00 AM
Linettte Hodson
Linette Hodson Director, Management Consulting Services
Brianna García Vice President

Statewide enrollment trends continue to experience decreases in enrollment. Since 2012-13, the state has experienced a loss of over 375,000 (roughly 6.0%) students. If current trends hold over the next ten years, further decline of almost 620,000, or 10.7%, in total enrollment is projected. The continued loss of students for many local educational agencies (LEAs) and future uncertainty require consideration of long-term enrollment trends, as well as a strategic planning process to rightsize district operations and avoid overstaffing. This webinar—presented in partnership with the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team—identifies the ways that declining enrollment impacts an LEA’s operations and identifies strategies for addressing these challenges, along with providing resources for making management decisions. Addressing declining enrollment requires a multiphase approach and this webinar will focus on the fiscal and operational aspects of declining enrollment. The Planning for Reductions in Force Webinar will focus on the staffing implications.

Cancellation Policy 

Location Details
November 5, 2024
SSC Clients: $175 per attendee
Non-clients: $350 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 11:00 AM