Non-clients: $350 per attendee
Program Ends: 11:00 AM
Statewide enrollment trends continue to experience decreases in enrollment. Since 2012-13, the state has experienced a loss of over 375,000 (roughly 6.0%) students. If current trends hold over the next ten years, further decline of almost 620,000, or 10.7%, in total enrollment is projected. The continued loss of students for many local educational agencies (LEAs) and accompanying future uncertainty requires consideration of long-term enrollment trends, as well as a strategic planning process to rightsize district operations and avoid overstaffing. School leaders must not only deal with the challenges of today, but also be prepared to respond in the future. This requires comprehensive planning, technical knowledge, and a proactive communication plan.
This webinar series—presented in partnership with the Fiscal Crisis Management and Assistance Team (FCMAT)—identifies the many ways that declining enrollment impacts LEA operations and provides strategies for addressing these challenges, along with resources for making management decisions. Addressing declining enrollment requires a multiphase approach and this webinar will focus on the fiscal and operational aspects of declining enrollment, including facilities considerations, with the aim of providing useful examples, resources, and tips for local planning and communication. A deep dive into the staffing implications of declining enrollment will be covered in the Planning for Reductions in Force webinar.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is intended for superintendents and all members of an LEA’s cabinet, as well as support staff directly involved with fiscal responsibility, employee management, instructional design, and facilities.
Webinar Topics
- An examination of enrollment and population trends
- Financial impact of decline—impacts on the Local Control Funding Formula and other revenue sources
- Impacts on facilities, educational programs, special student populations, and support services
- Communication practices that build trust
- Enrollment and staffing configurations and options for responding to fluctuations in enrollment
- Implementing a multiyear plan to address change
Non-clients: $350 per attendee
Program Ends: 11:00 AM