Non-clients: $390 per attendee
Program Ends: 11:00 AM

California law requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to meet specific instructional time, attendance, and teacher supervision requirements. These requirements are interrelated. Noncompliance can result in fiscal penalties, including the loss of valuable average daily attendance (ADA) and associated ADA-based funding. The Local Control Funding Formula—the largest source of funding available to LEAs—is funded primarily based on ADA. Further, many other sources of K-12 education funding—including, but not limited to, state special education, the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, and Lottery—use ADA in their funding methodology as well.
Instructional time, attendance, and teacher supervision requirements have a rich history and serve the dual purpose of encouraging quality, equitable instruction throughout California as well as fostering student attendance and engagement.
The purpose of this webinar is to provide attendees with up-to-date information and helpful tools in advance of the coming school year to plan for instructional time and teacher supervision and help ensure compliance in the context of meeting significant apportionment requirements. We will discuss enrollment projections as well as ADA, teacher supervision, and current instructional time requirements that must be met by LEAs. Additionally, the 2024-25 Enacted Budget implemented ongoing changes to some instructional time and attendance requirements and the webinar delves into those changes.
This is a companion to the Attendance Accounting and Instructional Time webinar that was offered by School Services of California Inc. in the fall of 2024. This Instructional Time and Attendance Planning webinar will focus on the planning necessary to capture a greater percentage of enrollment, while laying the foundation for meeting attendance accounting and instructional time requirements.
Who Should Attend?
Business, fiscal services, employee management, instructional design staff, as well as support staff directly involved with fiscal responsibility, and programmatic staff.
Non-clients: $390 per attendee
Program Ends: 11:00 AM