LCAP—From Accountability to Compliance Webinar Series (2022)


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Costs and times
SSC Clients: $275 per attendee
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 10:30 AM
Brianna García Vice President
Leilani Aguinaldo Director, Governmental Relations

Two-Part Webinar Series

Just when we think the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is status quo, something changes. The LCAP continues to adapt as California’s funding, accountability, and continuous improvement system continues to mature. Planning for the 2023-24 LCAP will find local educational agencies (LEAs) once again relying on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) as it returns after a pandemic-caused hiatus and continuing to adjust to an updated template. To be successful under this accountability system, LEAs must meaningfully engage with stakeholders in the thoughtful review of student needs and the development of LCAP goals and actions, be transparent regarding the achievement gaps that exist in their schools, and use the resources provided to ensure that the neediest students are receiving increased and improved services.

In School Services of California Inc.’s “LCAP: From Accountability to Compliance” two-part webinar series, LEAs will be provided an overview of the accountability system for those new to the LCAP process, and, for the seasoned veteran, guidance on the changes brought by legislation—from requirements for carryover of supplemental and concentration grant funds and the increased concentration grant add-on to required goals for consistently low-performing student groups and/or schools and the soon-to-be-incorporated special education addendum. In addition, the webinar series will detail the adjustments included in the 2022 Dashboard and will share the latest news from the State Board of Education. The webinar will also provide a comprehensive review of the latest template, including the action tables.

Who Should Attend?

School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools are encouraged to send a team, including instructional leaders, human resources professionals, fiscal personnel, and key program staff. The information presented in this workshop will allow you to maximize the flexibility the Local Control Funding Formula provides while working to improve services to your neediest students and close the achievement gap.

Webinar Topics

  • An overview of California’s accountability system
  • Dashboard
  • Use and carryover of supplemental and concentration grant funds
  • A review of the template, including action tables
  • Minimum proportionality percentage
  • Changes on the horizon
Location Details
SSC Clients: $275 per attendee
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 10:30 AM